Once upon a time, “work” meant commuting to an office and making polite small talk at the water cooler. But the rise of remote working is transforming careers in ways that were unimaginable a decade ago. Take my son. He's just started a new job in AI. He’s living the...
Interview Tips
How to get your CV past the online CV bot (Applicant Tracking System)
Did you know 98% of Fortune 500 companies use an automated system to screen your CV? At this stage, 75% of CVs will be screened out.Here’s what you can do to make sure your CV gets past the bot and be selected for an interview. When I worked in HR, I sifted CVs by...
Video Interviews: Top Tips from a Professional Interview Coach
Video interviews are here to stay. Here’s how to get it right and land the job: 1) Be Tech ready. Days before: Even if you use a computer every day, don’t take it for granted that everything will go smoothly. The Internet can be a fickle and moody thing. Have a...
5 Key Tips For Job Interview Success
Recently I delivered a CV Workshop for Jobwise, a fabulous recruitment agency based in the North West of England. The following video gives some key tips on how to maximise your chances of winning the job you are interviewing for. 1. Get to know the business Employers...
Top body language tips for job interviews
Conveying confidence and enthusiasm during a job interview is an essential part of interview success, but words alone are not enough. Only 10% of what we communicate is done through speech the rest is communicated through how we position our bodies. So if you want to...
How to prepare for a job interview
You get called to an interview and after the initial exhilaration there’s the realisation that whilst you’ve made it through the initial selection process there is a still bigger mountain climb and like mountain climbing, without...
What to Ask at the End of an Interview
It’s almost a given that at the end of any interview your interviewer will ask if you have any questions for them. This tends to stump a lot of candidates as they have failed to prepare any questions beforehand and it’s often difficult to think on the spot. Here are a...
The Importance of Non-verbal Communication
Non-verbal communication accounts for around 60% of all communication. The words that you actually say aren’t the most important aspect; it’s how you say it that counts. An interview situation can make us nervous and affect our use of non-verbal communication so it’s...
What NOT to do in an Interview
If you’re lucky enough to be one of the few that make it through to interview stage then it’s time to make sure you stand out for all the right reasons! Here’s our rundown of the top 5 things NOT to do in an interview: