Career Resources
Career Tips & AdviceInterview Tips
Landed an interview? Here’s some top tips on how to prepare
CV & LinkedIn Tips
To help you write your own CV and make the most of LinkedIn
Job Hunt Tips
Advice to help you identify and find your ideal job
5 Key Tips For Job Interview Success
Recently I delivered a CV Workshop for Jobwise, a fabulous recruitment agency based in the North West of England. The following video gives some key tips on how to maximise your chances of winning the job you are interviewing for. 1. Get to know the business Employers...
CK Futures CV Calculator
How Good is Your CV? Have you got everything you need on your CV? If you aren’t sure if your CV has everything an employer would want to see then use our simple checklist. Answer yes or no to each question where Yes = 1 and No = 0. Add up your score and see how your...
CV Checklist
If you aren’t sure if your CV has everything an employer would want to see, then use our simple checklist today. Add up your score and find out how your CV is doing.
Is your CV weather tight or leaking?
Your CV is very much like the roof of a house. You can keep patching it and patching it, but at some point you need to think carefully about whether it might be time to start from scratch. Fortunately, creating a professional CV doesn’t cost anything like a re-roofing...
How to Improve Your Job Application by Using Psychology
The current job market is as competitive as ever and in order to provide yourself with the best possible chance of success, try focussing on how you are actually approaching your job search. It may be that you, like most individuals, look for new positions in a fairly...
How to write a CV when you lack work experience
Don’t let your lack of experience put you off from applying for a job. With a well written and presented CV you can still win that job..
Does your CV need a health warning?
If you have been using your CV for a while and you’re not having much luck getting an interview the chances are your CV needs a health check…pronto!
Your CV is being read by a robot!
These days as the workplace becomes ever more influenced by technology – it feels like CV writing is becoming an art form. I was going to write about one of the great essentials in CV writing: how you should always make sure you fill your CV with plenty of words that...
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CV Writing
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Interview Coaching
I provide a range of outplacement services, which include 1-1 employee consultations; professional CV preparation; LinkedIn creation; Covering Letter, Interview Coaching to help employees transition quickly and confidently into their new roles.